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How to make an all wood version of a machinist's vise

How to make an all wood version of a machinist's vise

After building my all wood oak c-clamps, I was inspired to make a vise. I wanted something similar to a machinist's vise, like this:

my Machinist style vise made by Yost

This is one of my metal working vises and I am modeling my design on this. I also plan to  make some woodworking bench vises too, But I wanted to give this a try.

This style of vise is really quite simple. It has two primary components that are attached by a screw. The parts are the dynamic jaw, which is the one that moves in and out. And the static jaw, which is mounted to the workbench.

My only real problem was to create a design that could handle the stresses of heavy duty clamping...

stay tuned...

How to make an all wood version of a machinist's vise

How to make an all wood version of a machinist's vise

Comments (2)

could you uses a 1 1/2 threaded dowel for the screw and nut. on your vice build.

David Hamon

Greetings James,
The wood version of the machinist’s vice was one of the first of your videos I watched. I hadn’t yet subscribed when I watched it. I’d like to go back and watch it again but can’t find a link to it. Might you please consider building a “play list” of your videos on your website?

Mel Myers

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